Add or move columns & cells
Want advanced Google Workspace features for your business?
You can add, change, move, or delete your spreadsheet's columns, row, or cells.
[Computer] [Android][iPhone & iPad]
Add one row, column, or cell​
- On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Select a row, column, or cell.
- Right-click the row, column, or cell.
- From the menu that appears, select Insert 1 left, right, above or below.
Add more than one row, column, or cell​
- On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Highlight the number of rows, columns, or cells you want to add. To highlight multiple items:
- Mac: **⌘ + **click the rows or columns.
- Windows: **Ctrl + **click the rows or columns
- Right-click the rows, columns, or cells.
- From the menu that appears, select Insert [Number] or Insert cells.
For example:
- Highlight 5 rows.
- Right-click anywhere on those rows.
- Select Insert 5 rows above or below.
To add 100+ rows to your spreadsheet:
- On your spreadsheet, scroll to the bottom.
- Next to "more rows at the bottom," enter the number of rows you’d like to add.
- Click Add.
[Change row height or column width]
- On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Select a row or column to resize. To highlight multiple rows or columns:
- Mac: ⌘ + click the rows or columns
- Windows: Ctrl + click the rows or columns
- Right-click the row number or column letter.
- Click Resize row or Resize column. Then, choose an option:
- Enter a custom height or width
- Fit to data
- Click OK.
You can also drag the edge of a row or column to resize it or double-click the row or column edge to fit to data.
[Move rows, columns, or cells]
Move rows or columns​
- On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Select the rows or columns to move.
- At the top, click Edit.
- Select the direction you want to move the row or column, like Move row up.
You can also drag a row or column to a new location.
Move cells​
- Select the cells to move.
- Point your cursor to the top of the selected cells until a hand appears.
- Drag the cells to their new location.
[Delete rows, columns, or cells]
- On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
- Right-click a row, column, or cell.
- From the menu that appears, choose Delete row, Delete column, or Delete cell.