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Checks whether a value is a valid URL.### Sample Usage






  • value - The value to be verified as a URL.


  • Google Sheets automatically links text entered into a cell if a valid URL is detected. ISURL will return TRUE in these cases.
  • A fully qualified URL is not required. In other words, "http" and "www" are not needed in all cases.
  • Valid protocols include ftp, http, https, gopher, mailto, news, telnet, and aim.
  • If a URL is flagged as "False," it may use a top-level domain that isn't on our list.

See Also​


This function checks if a value is a valid email address against certain 2-letter country or region codes and top-level domains including:

Generic top-level domains​

  • .com
  • .org
  • .net
  • .edu
  • .gov
  • .info
  • .biz
  • .name
  • .pro
  • .aero
  • .asia
  • .cat
  • .coop
  • .edu
  • .gov
  • .int
  • .jobs
  • .mil
  • .museum
  • .post
  • .tel
  • .travel
  • .xxx

This list doesn’t include all top-level domains.

If an email is flagged as "False," it may use a top-level domain that isn't on our list.

ISERROR: Checks whether a value is an error.

ISTEXT: Checks whether a value is text.

ISBLANK: Checks whether the referenced cell is empty.

HYPERLINK: Creates a hyperlink inside a cell.