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LAMBDA function

You can create and return a custom function with a set of names and a formula_expression that uses them. To calculate the formula_expression, you can call the returned function with as many values as the name declares.

Sample Usage​

LAMBDA(Salary, Salary*0.3)(1000)

LAMBDA(Temp, (5/9)*(Temp-32))(85)


LAMBDA(name, formula_expression)

  • name: The name to be used inside the formula_expression. This name must be an identifier and resolves to the actual value passed to the custom function returned by LAMBDA.
  • formula_expression: The formula to be calculated. It uses names declared in previous parameters.


  • If a named function expects another function as an input in an argument inside a named function, you can use a LAMBDA or a named function.


Example data:

LAMBDA example data.### LAMBDA standalone

You can write a LAMBDA function to calculate salary tax, assuming that the tax rate is 30%. You input the salary value after the function. LAMBDA standalone example

Example: =LAMBDA(salary, salary*0.3)(C5)

This calculates the tax for month 1.

LAMBDA inside a LAMBDA helper function​

To perform advanced array-operations, use LAMBDA functions inside LAMBDA helper functions (LHFs).

Example of LAMBDA inside a LAMBDA Helper Function (LFH)Example: =MAP(C5:C10, LAMBDA(salary, salary*0.3))

This performs the calculation of salary * 0.3 to each item in the C5:C10 array.

LAMBDA inside a named function​

You can use LAMBDA functions as a part of a named function’s argument. Learn more about named functions.

Example of Lambda inside a Named function.Named function: AVG_MONTHLY_TAX(range, tax_calculator_function)

**Formula definition: **=tax_calculator_function(sum(range))/count(range)

You can write the tax_calculator_function argument with a LAMBDA function.

Example: =AVG_MONTHLY_TAX(C5:C10,LAMBDA(range, range*0.3))

This calculates the average monthly tax for months 1–6.

Common errors​

The name argument isn’t an identifier​

**Example: **=LAMBDA(3, x+1)(3)

If the first argument isn't an identifier, this error occurs:

Error message when you input an argument that is not an identifier.

Identifier requirements:

  • Can’t be ranges, like “A1” or “A2.”
  • Can’t have spaces or special characters. Dots and underscores are allowed.
  • Can’t start with numbers, like “9hello.”

The LAMBDA wasn’t called​

This error is due to not following the LAMBDA with the call that contains the values.

**Example: **=LAMBDA(salary, salary*0.3)

If no value is passed for salary, this error occurs:

Error message when you do not follow the LAMBDA with the call that contains the values.

For a LAMBDA, as an argument in a named function, this means not calling the placeholder referring to that LAMBDA with the needed values inside the named function's definition.

Example: Under formula definition, if you write =tax_calculator_function/count(range)

instead of =tax_calculator_function(sum(range))/count(range), this error occurs:

Error message when you do not follow the LAMBDA with the call that contains the values in a Named function.

Tip: For a<span> </span>LAMBDA inside a LAMBDA helper function, this error wouldn’t occur because the LAMBDA helper function automatically uses the<span> </span>LAMBDA on the given input range.

Lambda helper functions​

Lambda helper functions (LHFs) are native functions which accept a reusable LAMBDA as an argument along with an input array(s). They help in advanced array-operations by executing the formula specified inside the LAMBDA, on each value in the input array. The reusable LAMBDA can be passed either as a LAMBDA function or a named function. Lambda helper functions:

  • MAP function: This function maps each value in the given arrays to a new value.
  • REDUCE function: This function reduces an array to an accumulated result.
  • BYCOL function: This function groups an array by columns.
  • BYROW function: This function groups an array by rows.
  • SCAN function: This function scans an array and produces intermediate values.
  • MAKEARRAY function: This function creates a calculated array of specified dimensions.

Create & use named functions: Let users create and store custom functions, similar to LAMBDA.

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