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With a familiar UI, x-spreadsheet is an excellent choice for a modern editor.

Click here for a live standalone integration demo.

Tested Deployments

This demo was last verified on 2024 April 25.

Live Demo​

Due to CSS conflicts between the data grid and the documentation generator, features like scrolling may not work as expected.

The standalone demo uses a simple HTML page.

function SheetJSXSpread() {
const [url, setUrl] = React.useState("");
const [done, setDone] = React.useState(false);
const ref = React.useRef(); // ref to DIV container
const set_url = (evt) => setUrl(;

return ( <>
<div height={300} width={300} ref={ref}/>
{!done && ( <>
<b>URL: </b><input type="text" value={url} onChange={set_url} size="50"/>
<br/><button onClick={async() => {
/* fetch and parse workbook */
const wb = (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer());
/* set up grid and load data */
</> )}
</> );

Integration Library​

The integration library can be downloaded from the SheetJS CDN:

When used in a browser tag, it exposes two functions: xtos and stox.

  • stox(worksheet) returns a data structure suitable for grid.loadData
  • xtos(data) accepts the result of grid.getData and generates a workbook

Reading Data​

The following snippet fetches a spreadsheet and loads the grid:

(async() => {
const ab = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();

The same pattern can be used in file input elements and other data sources.

Writing Data​

The following snippet exports the grid data to a file:

/* build workbook from the grid data */
XLSX.writeFile(xtos(grid.getData()), "SheetJS.xlsx");

Other Details​

Obtaining the Library​

The x-data-spreadsheet NodeJS packages include a minified script that can be directly inserted as a script tag. The unpkg CDN also serves this script:

<!-- x-spreadsheet stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<!-- x-spreadsheet library -->
<script src=""></script>

Previewing and Editing Data​

The HTML document needs a container element:

<div id="gridctr"></div>

Grid initialization is a one-liner:

var grid = x_spreadsheet(document.getElementById("gridctr"));

x-spreadsheet handles the entire edit cycle. No intervention is necessary.

Additional Features​

This demo barely scratches the surface. The underlying grid component includes many additional features that work with SheetJS Pro.